so tonight i got in and did absolutely nothing other than stuff my face. every evening after school i get in the door, let the dog out and then wonder straight to the fridge to see what i can induldge in. usually i dont find much, but tonight i found a yoghurt, chocolates and tropicanaaaaaaa. another thing im obsessed with an the moment is porridge, and the other day, to my delight, i found a box of 20 sachets, so im sorted for a while. anyway, enough of my daily routine and love for food. school recently hasnt been to bad, im actually (almost) enjoying it.
this weekend i plan on seeing ollie after he's been away, and probably fitting in some bits of shopping here and there. nothing drastic. what're your plans for this weekend or the next few days? anything particular or outrageous? :) hope you all have a good weekend nevertheless.
also, i won a la sardina camera from lomography! so i'll try and get some pictures up of that as soon as i can. i havent had chance to use it yet, but still.
here's what i threw on tonight, kind of a last minute impulse to take some pictures. i thought it was about time i updated this. im really gonna try and upload more pictures of where i go if i can, i realise at the moment its alot of me in outfits etc, so i'll try and add in a mixture of both to share with you all. it's on lookbook if you wish to check it out and maybe give it some hypeee please!
velvet top - charity shop
necklace - topman
belt - charity shop
shorts - cow vintage
striped tights - vintage
creepers - office shoes
charlotte x
24 February 2012
21 February 2012
taste the tension
this week has been a bit manic if im honest. ive done no work, when i should have. ive spent time in bed, when i should have been doing work. i spent time doing basically nothing, therefore its manic because now i'll start to panic.
anyway! i kinda got bored tonight and started messing around with the fairy lights in my room. thought itd be interesting to see the light and dark that it actually makes on things (like me.)
so, here's a couple of images i took. theyre not the best quality because of the low light that was in my room (because i wanted the focus to be on the fairy lights) so i apologise for that :) you should try it, its a laugh and you can mess with shadows and highlights etc. its all trial and error really but, give it a go! also check this out on my FLICKRRRRRRR please!
also today ive taken a few more shots for my self image project. dreading drawing any of them! on the plus side, i got asked by a couple of people at work today to do shoots for them. mainly fashion/portrait based and a music concert too. all practise is good practise, and the more i can get then the better i'll get (hopefully!)
i hope this week flies by for you all :)
charlotte x
anyway! i kinda got bored tonight and started messing around with the fairy lights in my room. thought itd be interesting to see the light and dark that it actually makes on things (like me.)
so, here's a couple of images i took. theyre not the best quality because of the low light that was in my room (because i wanted the focus to be on the fairy lights) so i apologise for that :) you should try it, its a laugh and you can mess with shadows and highlights etc. its all trial and error really but, give it a go! also check this out on my FLICKRRRRRRR please!
also today ive taken a few more shots for my self image project. dreading drawing any of them! on the plus side, i got asked by a couple of people at work today to do shoots for them. mainly fashion/portrait based and a music concert too. all practise is good practise, and the more i can get then the better i'll get (hopefully!)
i hope this week flies by for you all :)
charlotte x
20 February 2012
can you all go and like this picture, id be really greatful as i really want to win a camera from lomography! click on the photo on here or the link below it and it'll take you straight to the image. if it wont let you like it, can you like the "lomography uk" page first, then try again please? sorry for all the hassle but i really want to win this! thank you :)

id really appreciate it, thank you again! :)
charlotte x
id really appreciate it, thank you again! :)
charlotte x
17 February 2012
mini mini mini
so here it is, my diana mini and color xpro chrome 35mm film. i have to say this is possibly one of the cutest camera's ive ever seen and id definately recommend it. its literally mini (id say easily pocket or handbag size) so its so easy to carrry. stupidly simple to use and i love it. i got this as a gift from my boyfriend after chasing it up for absolutely ages!
has anyone else got this camera? or what other lomography cameras have you got/would you recommend?!
charlotte x
16 February 2012
we used to wait
god knows where i got this shirt from, most likely a charity shop/cow vintage. its so cosy and comfy, i could spend the rest of my life in it, haha. today feels like the end of my half term. i woke up this morning, spent the last few hours with my boyfriend before he went back to uni, then went with him there and came back. now im stuck at home bored out my brains with very little to do. i hate how as soon as he goes away, i feel really lonely all the time. i know i have my friends around but, they have boyfriends too. boyfriends who're always at home, or a quick walk away (not 2 hours away). i hate how i depend on him so much but hes the person i pass most of my time with.
i over think everything so much, i hate it and i apologise.
im praying for the summer weather already, the sky needs to make its mind up whether it wants to be warm/cold, windy/rainy etc (sun would be preferable). as soon as the suns out, the shorts will follow. im really intrigued as to see what "trends" come in this spring/summer, if there are any that come in on the high street. what do you all think will come in over the spring/summer seasons?
so anyway, here's just a post to show you what i wore today. as you can most likely tell, i was feeling pretty lazy but, i wore this with an american apparel hoodie + a leather jacket.
i hope you all enjoy the rest of your time off, if you have any time off that is.
charlotte x
14 February 2012
a void i cant fill
denim jacket - charity shop, i just cut off the sleeves
leather jacket - charity shop
black knit vest - topshop
necklaces - forever 21, topshop
belt - cow vintage
patterned skirt - vintage
wooly socks - ebay
doc martens - ebay
i apologise about the long gap in an update, its just been tricky with work and more work. here's a new look from today and i hope you all like it. hope everyone is having a lovely half term too! i can happily say its so nice to have a break from school and all the stress it brings. i really wish i was going on holiday though, especially to new york or paris (for valentine's.) if any of you are single, dont be too down, its only 314 days until christmassssss ;)
happy valentine's day all.
& check out my lookbook please!
charlotte x
7 February 2012
its such a rush
guns and roses tshirt - was my dads
scarf (belt) - charity shop
burgundy skirt - ark
casio watch - amazon
black ring - charity shop
tights - m&s
underground creepers - office shoes
so, its kinda cold outside and today, here's what i was/am wearing. as well as this, i wore a dark blue american apparel hoodie and fur coat. my dog kind of got in the way of the picture as i was taking it, but oh well. in love with my creepers, although my dog has chewed one of the laces. american apparel do a skirt really similar in loads of different colours; i've got a couple, but i saw this for half the price, and its just as good quality wise!
please ignore the vile garden, its a mess seen as its winter and my parents work a lot of hours, as well as trying to decorate at the moment, so its an on going project!
ALSO, today i got lookbook so please take a look here, id really appreciate feedback etc! i'll do the same back!
what're your plans for this week? hope the weekend comes quickly for you all :)
charlotte x
4 February 2012
self image
so for my A2 art, we're onto our last unit; unit 4. there's a few topics that i like at the moment but i think i might end up going for "self image" or "possesions." both of them are quite broad topics really when you think about it. if i go on to do "self image" i think i may end up going into emotions/human behaviour; but, if i go for "possesions" i think i may end up going for shoes purely because i have so many and they're easy to photography firsthand.
here's a few of the photo's ive taken not so long ago! the images will most likely look a little better if you click on them as they'll open up bigger.
i've tried to keep the images quite raw/blank and any feedback would be really appreciated!
charlotte x
here's a few of the photo's ive taken not so long ago! the images will most likely look a little better if you click on them as they'll open up bigger.
i've tried to keep the images quite raw/blank and any feedback would be really appreciated!
charlotte x
2 February 2012
shoes shoes shoes
shoes named clockwise:
1. red velvet doc martens
2. black studded jeffrey campbell lita
3. office aztec brogue
4. underground black/leopard wulfrun creeper
5. office t-bar patent shoes
i cant get enough of shoes at the moment. working in a shoe shop really doesnt help in the slightest.
docs and creepers will always be two of my favourites. i know theyre about £80+ each, but theyre gonna last and its unlikely they'll go "out of fashion." although, trends arent always there to be followed, make your own trends, break the rules, do what you want and wear whatever you want.
alot of people find creepers really manly and quite ugly but, personally, i think theyre really nice. they stand out, theyre bold and almost make a statement of their own. i know theyre not very feminine but thats where you can mix and match. i guess jeffrey campbells are kinda similar, these especially. even though they're a high heel, they're bulky and the studs makes them more masculine; almost 'punk-like.' they look great with tights, high waisted shorts and a shirt, and theyre definately worth the £100+ price tag. doc martens are always going to be stupidly practical. whatever the weather, they're a bulky shoe and they're gonna keep the water/snow/shit weather out. warm, admitidly not the comfiest, but they are great to slip on with jeans, leggings, shorts etc. the possibilities go on and they last for absolutely ages! if you ask me, they look better when theyre well worn and quite messsy!
the brogues and t-bar shoes, are more dainty and feminine but, you can still mix and match them with things. for example, either of them would look great with grey wooly tights, a check shirt and an american apparel hoodie under a baseball jacket. again there are loads of options! you could wear these with dresses or whatever you feel really, just express yourself in what you wear!
be adventurous and dare to be different.
charlotte x
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